2023 Annual Address

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Highlights from this year's Annual Address include:

  • Opening remarks from President and CEO Debra Doucette, who shares how a steadfast commitment to core values and to putting clients first has enabled Odlum Brown to reach this extraordinary milestone, and how we envision the next 100 years. She also invites the audience to share your Odlum Brown story and/or nominate a new community partner. + View Transcript

  • “Investing for Generations: The Odlum Brown Story,” a video narrated by Christopher Gaze that provides a brief overview of Odlum Brown’s 100-year history, and highlights why generations of investors have entrusted us with their financial futures.

  • A presentation titled, A Clue to a Brighter Future,” by Executive Vice President, Director, Investment Research, Murray Leith, in which he engages the audience in an economics-focused game of Clue to determine who or what caused today’s inflation and, more importantly, where it is headed. In addition, he provides four compelling reasons not to sell out of stocks in anticipation of a recession. 
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